Re: [orca-list] I can't read messages on TB nightly using the latest version of orca

It is fixed, thanks.

On 4/17/20 9:06 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Happily that was a simple fix. Sorry about that! Please pull master and lemme know if you find anything else. Thanks!

On 4/17/20 19:38, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi Joanie.

Using TB nightly  77.0a1 (2020-04-17) (64-bit) and latest orca i can't read messages using arrows.
It seems that the problem was caused by the commit 
fd16615c4cacbb4ee389bd37457978af072c0fd3  because when I compiled 
orca without this commit the problem was fixed.

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