Re: [orca-list] Tips and tricks for Orca and Firefox

Ah, I wish I could be rid of that site, but I have close friends who seem to only communicate on Facebook. They've become Faceborgs...
The layout mode and object mode, I don't remember the original key 
binding because I've changed mine, changes the way the up and down 
arrows read the screen. The object mode navigates between each object, 
and the layout mode will read a line as it is laid out on the screen. 
Object mode can help if there are a line of links or buttons across the 
screen. Pressing the down arrow will move from button or link or object 
to the next thing, so you can read the stuff in the middle of the line 
without having to listen to the whole line and remember what was there.

On 8/15/20 9:23 AM, Mewtamer wrote:
In my experience, orca+a usually cycles brows, focus, and focus
sticky, though admittedly I use it primarily to bring entry fields
into focus and had used the trick of e to the entry I want, arrow to
right above or below it and then tab into it for many years and only
learned of Orca+a fairly recently.

Also, can't say I've had many issues with Orca automatically shifting
from focus to browse and back, though I do occasionally screw up a log
in by adding an extra e or number because Orca auto-focused a log-in
form when I was expecting to start at the top of the page in browse

And the above comments on Facebook just reinforce my belief that I'm
better off without that website in my life.

No idea what the object and layout modes mentioned are, and I've never
heard of tabulator before.

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