[orca-list] Warning, critical error with text sellection


the problem is in Arch, Stormux and in Fedora, where my friend Pavel tested.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Pluma or Gedit.
2. Write some text.
3. Select something by shift plus some arrow key. Pluma or Gedit crashes so fast it cannot write log why it crashed. The problem is in Nano editor too. It isn't in Libreoffice, Seamonkey or Firefox.
Problem wasn't on Debian 10 or Ubuntu 18 yet, but I would like to warn 
developers before upgrading, because we don't know, what package update 
did this critical error. My friend Pavel wanted to report it with log 
file, but he can't do log file, because the app falls really quickly, 
such as killall pluma.
Thanks a lot.

Best regards


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