Re: [orca-list] Thoughts on when we should use the system voice?

Personally, I like your example, it makes perfect sense to me.

For example, could I have espeak-NG being the default voice, and Voxin being a system voice? If so, I like that a lot, I feel like that's a pretty nice way of doing things
On 31/01/2020 19:31, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

Now that I have multiple Voxin voices, I decided to use one person for the system voice and one person for the default voice. (I amuse easily.) :) Having made that change, I noticed that Orca was not always using the system voice when I expected it to. I looked into the problem, and realized that the preferences dialog wasn't setting changed voices as having been "established". Thus the speech generator was ignoring the voice and only message presentation was using it.
Now that I've fixed that bug, the system voice is being used in all 
the places the code thinks it should be. That includes roles, states, 
and properties. While the code clearly suggests this is intentional, 
it is possible that this is not the behavior you were expecting.
So.... It would be helpful to have some testing feedback on this front.

Please note that you will need to re-set up the voices (sorry!). But the bug is that we weren't updating the value in the file written out by the preferences dialog. If you don't re-set up the voices, no new value will be written out.
For people who cannot test this change directly, imagine you have a 
male voice for default and a female voice for system. Orca will say 
things like:
"Enable foo" in the male voice
"Checkbox unchecked" in the female voice

"Voice" in the male voice
"Page tab" in the female voice

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :)

And what voice should key echo be in? It's the default voice now.

Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to your feedback! Thanks!!

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