Re: [orca-list] Sound icons

Nope. Sorry! This is just for roles, states, and properties.

On 2/13/20 20:50, Devin Prater wrote:
Does this include the ability to get the object’s location onscreen, and play the sound in stereo, or perhaps 
in 3D audio using something like HRTF?

On Feb 13, 2020, at 1:03 PM, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:

All the underlying support should already be in place in Orca. I did that several years ago.

I believe all you'll need is the desired sounds with the right names in the right place.

I'll add writing some documentation to my TODO list.

On 2/13/20 19:06, Vojtěch Šmiro via orca-list wrote:
Is some way in Orca to replace for example buttons, checkboxes, links, etc with sounds?
I will see OK button with Orca. Orca don't say button, but plays sound. It would hat sounds for checkboxes, 
lists, radio buttons, etc. Is it possible to make it or is it for example in SOPS? I didn't see this in SOPS. 
Work with sound icons would be better for me than speaking OK button, when it would make nice sound and not 
speak. I had some screenreader a few years ago, it was on Windows and it had sound icons.
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