Re: [orca-list] Workspace switching & announcement


I use MATE desktop environment and orca announces which desktop I'm in on switching.

Jeff Archambeault via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> writes:


I'm helping a vision impaired programmer configure his Mint system to be more orca-centric than visual
centric. One problem we're having is workspace switching. For terminals, we can use ALT+F1-10 to
switch between specific virtual consoles, but we haven't found any way to do that in Cinammon for
workspaces, and once you've switched, Orca doesn't seem to identify which desktop it is. 

It would seem the most non-visual way of switching is Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Arrow, but again, once you
switch, orca doesn't tell you where you are. We've thought of different desktop backgrounds to identify
them, but sometimes the background isn't visible. Can't put a File named 1 on Workspace 1's
desktop...all desktops are the same. We're looking for an audible indicator, and move away from visual

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Archambeault
Proprietor, Bark Eater Studios 
Technology Frustration Resolution Solutions
jeff barkeaterstudios com
(518) 696-5675 (home)
(518) 595-9815 (cell)

Edhoari Setiyoso

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