Re: [orca-list] what is wrong with this link?

Hi Joanie.

First of all thank you very much for your dedication. I received this link because I opened a bug for vscode and the developer asked me to see if I could reproduce the bug using that link.
Basically the bug is in the fact that in some VSCode fields I can type 
text but I can't use the arrows to edit/review what was typed.
The goal is to find out if the problem is related to chromium, electron 
or VSCode.
If not asking too much, could you take a look at what has been reported 
so far?
Maybe you have something to add.


On 1/20/20 3:44 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
So when I arrow around or change text in the editor, the only accessibility events I'm seeing are children-changed events, sections adding sections. And they don't seem to be live regions. Thus Orca is expecting caret-moved events and the like, but failing to get them. Not sure why....
On 1/20/20 1:33 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Confirmed. Will take a look. Thanks!

On 1/20/20 10:14 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.

What is wrorng with this link?

When I try to access the mentionned link orca stays mute.

The focus is placed in a field but I can not use arrows to review what I typed.
If I press the tab key the focus is not moved to another element.

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