Re: [orca-list] Alt+Super+s shortcut key

FYI everybody... I found a second brand new Dell keyboard with which right alt plus right super plus s does not work. Left alt plus left super plus s does work. It is a bit awkward to presss that but if you get a new keyboard, especially from Dell, it might be worth trying. Older Dell keyboards appear to work as always.

On 1/27/20 12:09 PM, John G Heim wrote:
Just for the record, the shortcut key to start orca is defined in the file /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
On Ubuntu, you can make gdm start orca automatically by changing the 
ddefault in the file 
and reinstalling gnome-settings-daemon. The reinstall is necessary 
because those xml config files are apparently compiled as part of the 
installation process.
PS: my problem turned out just being the keyboard. Very strang, it is a 
brand-new Dell keyboard right out of the box.

On 1/24/20 2:30 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
I believe that's in gnome-settings-daemon.

On 1/24/20 1:18 PM, John G Heim via orca-list wrote:
I know this is a long shot since I've asked before but does anybody know how the Alt+Super+s shortcut key gets configured to start orca? I am setting up an automatic install and that shortcut key is not working. I must be missing something that would normally be installed during a typical debian/ubuntu install.

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