Re: [orca-list] Trying To Set The Sound For Orca


People usually advise using card names when trying to change these
parameters. While that may work for many, it hasn't worked for me
particularly well. I usually do better referring to them by number, e.g.
-c 1 or -c 2.

Glad to hear you've gotten things working.


Glenn K0LNY writes:
Hi Janina,
no matter what I did, amixer did not recognize my device, even after I tried 
several names that were listed with the cat command.
Finally I had to run alsamix and toggle the mute button and that did the 
Two or three days of headache for sure.
I have no idea how it got muted.
But I still cannot get sound in the gGUI.
I added root to the audio and pi is already part of the audio group.
But at least I am able to use espeakup in the cli now.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janina Sajka" <janina rednote net>
To: "Glenn K0LNY" <GlennErvin cableone net>
Cc: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Trying To Set The Sound For Orca


A couple of commands you mind find helpful:

1.) Get a list of all your audio cards:

aplay -l |grep -i card

2.) Get a list of all the controls having to do with volume on a
given card X:

amixer -c X controls |grep -i volume

3.) Note that some controls have an on/off switch in addition to the
volume setting. Clearly this is important, because no volume setting
will work if the switch is in the off position.



Glenn K0LNY writes:
Hi All,
In trying to get my 3.5mm jack working on the Raspberry PI, I began to 
wonder if my volume is down or it's muted.
I have been trying lots of commands similar to:
amixer -c 0 set Master 100% unmute
I have tried -c 1 in case the card is 1, but I just get a list of 
available options when I do that.
It does not like Master, it comes back with unknown device Master, or 
something like that.
So I have tried stuff that I read in the cat command, like Headphones, or 
bcm2835 or pcm and it does not know those devices either.
Below is the cat readout, and if you can send me a command you will think 
will work, it would help a lot.

graphic 932  pi@raspberrypi: ~ graphic 73  graphic 73  graphic 798
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# cat /proc/asound/cards 
graphic 0
 0 [Headphones     ]: bcm2835_headphonbcm2835 Headphones - bcm2835 
                      bcm2835 Headphones 
graphic 545 root@raspberrypi:/home/pi#

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Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

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