Re: [orca-list] Voxin 3.0 installation error

Hello, Ivan:

I realize I'm responding to an old message. Perhaps you've remedied your
situation. But, if not perhaps my experience will help.

I found I needed to edit out an improper argument in one of the
installer scripts. In my case this was an argument to pacman, as I'm on
Arch Linux. If your situation is similar, and it seems you're on Debian,
it may be a bad argument to apt.

In my case there were two lines that needed the '=---force' argument
removed in [voxin package directory]/common/

Unfortunately, my Voxin installation has stopped working following
additional system upgrades. I haven't chased that down.



Orca screen reader developers writes:

When I try to run the voxin installer .sh from the main package with Russian
compact voice, the installer initializes and then saves the .log file and
stops working.
The contents of the .log file:

/ usr / bin / gettext
Reading package lists ...
Building a dependency tree ...
Reading status information ...
E: Unable to find voxin package

rfs all tarball not found!
voxin package not found!

How can I fix this error?
Debian 10.

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Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
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