Re: [orca-list] a mate install (fwd)

hey there,
ubuntu uses gsettings to save orca settings for some reason,
this is not how upstream orca does things,
it is advised to install orca master which uses the standerd methord
of storeing settings.
the problem you talk about will go away once orca master is installed,
alternatly, makeing sure that accessibility is enabled after the bongs
of the live iso will fix this issue,

On 16/03/2020, Jude DaShiell <jdashiel panix com> wrote:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 10:57:02
From: Jude DaShiell <jdashiel panix com>
To: ubuntu-accessibility lists ubuntu com
Subject: a mate install

I wrote earlier about mate not bringing up help when f1 key was pressed.
That problem remains.
Something else happening is configuration somehow is locked to a slow
voice and this user normally plays with a faster voice.  By locked orca
configuration I mean you can go through all of the steps to change a
configuration setting and eventually hit ok and the change you made
doesn't take.  Is a reboot necessary to bring the change in orca active?
If that doesn't work, I'd like to know what needs to be done to get these
configurations user-modifyable.


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kind regards,
Majid Hussain

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