Hello Joanie and all,
Looks like the same bug I told you some days ago if I understand right.
In the case my last mail with the debug.out file did not arrive to you, here is a link: http://ix.io/2eBi
I have this behavior even with ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED unset.
hop this helps,
So here are my steps to reproduce:
1. In a terminal where I have ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED=1, type:
  google-chrome-unstable https://google.com
2. Wait for the page to load and then press Tab to move amongst items
Expected and actual results: Tab moves amongst items and Orca presents each item moved to.
What am I doing that you are not doing?
On 3/18/20 12:10, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
A full debug.out would show what happened when Tab/Shift+Tab were pressed. For instance, it would tell us if there was an event related to the focus change and if so why Orca chose not to present it (if that is indeed what's going on).
On 3/18/20 10:54, Andy Borka via orca-list wrote:
This bug is confirmed on Ubuntu 20.04, Orca master, Chrome-unstable 82.0.4083 with a few exceptions. When starting Chrome initially, tab/shift+tab appears not to work.
Checking on the current position with numpad enter indicates that Orca could be getting stuck somewhere. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to tell for sure if Orca is getting stuck, or it just doesn't speak the objects it runs into. A full debug.out didn't give any useful information other than the settings manager was able to load settings. It doesn't make any difference if --force-renderer-accessibility and --enable-caret-browsing is enabled or disabled. I still get the same result. It also seems that ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED=1 has no affect. This only started after the 82.0.4083 update last week. This leads me to believe that it is a Chromium problem, since before the update the required flags made Chrome happy in accessible mode. What should we do next? Oh, this problem only shows itself with tab/shift+tab. The quicknav keys work just fine.
On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 8:45 AM Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com <mailto:jdiggs igalia com>> wrote:
   I cannot reproduce this. That said, do you mean that Tab/Shift+Tab are
   moving you, but Orca is not presenting the new locations to you? Or do
   you mean that Tab/Shift+Tab are not even moving you to the next
   focusable object? The reason I ask is that Orca does not take over
   Tab/Shift+Tab. Those keystrokes are given to the browser.
   If you can reliably reproduce this problem, please capture a full
   debug.out and send it to me.
   On 3/18/20 04:45, Pavel VlÄek via orca-list wrote:
    > Steps to reproduce:
    > - check if you have the latest Chromium / Google Chrome dev
   version and
    > the latest Orca Master version
    > - open Chromium / Chrome
    > - go to www.google.com <http://www.google.com>
    > expected result:
    > - Orca will navigate with tab and shift tab between links and
   form elements
    > actual result:
    > - Navigation with tab and shift tab not working.
    > My system Fedora 31, the latest Google Chrome and the latest Orca
    > Master, navigation worked before I updated to the latest commit.
    > Pavel
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