first of You should switch to the new orca profile ("rhvoice-profile" in my case) in the orca settings and make sure that RHVoice TTS is available in the list of synthesizers in the Voice tab. Next open orca settings in the editor. Type in the terminal:
pluma ~/.local/share/orca/user-settings.conf
and edit respective RHVoice profile. For example in my case I set voice name to Natalia and language to Ukrainian:
       "rhvoice-profile": {
           "speechServerFactory": "orca.speechdispatcherfactory",
           "speechServerInfo": [
           "voices": {
               "default": {
                   "established": true,
                   "family": {
                       "name": "natalia",
                       "lang": "uk",
                       "dialect": null,
                       "variant": null
Restart orca.
You can check available voices/languages in the
Note: be carefull when editing the settings manually as any syntax error or typo may break Your settings and prevent orca from speaking. To reset broken settings You can try removing configuration file. Type in the terminal:
rm ~/.local/share/orca/user-settings.conf
After next start orca will run with the default settings.
Also note: all hacking above will not work for the Ubuntu default
orca installation. Because in this case the settings are not
stored in the user home directory like above. You should have orca
compiled from git repository to be able to editing orca settings
configuration file in Ubuntu.
Best regards
So you add the repository, update and grab the packages, create a new profile called, “RHVoice†for example… now what? What confit file do you edit and what does it need to say?
“ Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.â€Â~ Helen Keller
On Apr 19, 2021, at 1:40 PM, Volodymyr Dorozhinsky via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:
as for Ubuntu RHVoice PPA the following bug is still exists in 20.04:
Is there any chance this can be fixed?
Best regards
On 4/19/21 1:13 PM, Alexander Epaneshnikov via orca-list wrote:
16.04.2021 22:07, Jeffery Mewtamer via orca-list пишет:
Perhaps the better question is:
Is there a way to install RH Voice without building from source? and
if there isn't, why not?
for ubuntu we have a unofficial PPA[1]. but I haven't tested it myself.
I would really like to see RHVoice appear in the debian repositories, but this requires some fairly non-trivial changes.
I'm sure this will happen over time, but unfortunately I can't say exactly when.
as I said before - I understand that compiling from source code is not a trivial process and therefore I am ready to help anyone who does not succeed in this process.
however for this I need clear instructions on what you did and what errors you got.
[1]: https://github.com/RHVoice/RHVoice/blob/master/doc/en/Packaging-status.md#ubuntu
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