Maybe it is worth trying in a terminal:
it will start after pressing Enter and stops with Control+C. Then it will be create a file out.ogv in your home directory.
Hello everyone,
I would like to record some demos of Orca for a podcast. This demo should ideally include both me speaking, and Orca speech in reasonable quality. I am using Fedora, but have access to a system with Ubuntu as well, and am willing to explore another distro if it helps. In Windows, when electing to do a screen share, there is a checkbox to also record system audio. In Linux, depending on the app/service, this option is either unavailable or doesn't seem to work for me. Has anyone been successful in being able to record both Orca and external Mic at the same time? Hopefully without need for other equipment?
Nimer Jaber
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To find out about a free, open-source, and versatile screen reader for Windows, visit nvaccess.org
You can follow @nimerjaber on Twitter for the latest technology news.
To contact me, you can reply to this email or you may call me at (970) (393-4481) and I will do my best to respond to you promptly.
Thank you, and have a great day!
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