Re: [orca-list] Easiest way to try out KDE/Plasma?


there is also the way using docker with kde neon development edition (daily build) Sadly its not accessible by default, so it requires some "blind typing" to install and start orca. you need "x11docker".
start kde neon (as root, to be able to install software very easy):
x11docker --user root --sudouser --desktop -c -p kdeneon/plasma:developer

give the window control over mouse and keybord:
press: shift + ctrl

after it boots (takes some seconds) open run dialog:
alt + f2

paste the following to install and start orca:
apt-get install orca -y && orca

for test,  you can open i.e. dolphin the file manager
run dialog:
alt + f2
open the file manager dolphin (type):

dolphin should be accessible
be careful, it runs as root!! otherwhise you would not be able to install orca on the fly without messing arround in an inaccessible UI. also the -c flag tells to share the clipboard and -p connects pulseaudio to get sound
maybe we can create an own docker image based on neon with orca 
installed? then its more easy :). anyone good writing docker files? i 
would send them to the KDE community.
happy testing

cheers chrys

Am 28.04.21 um 15:37 schrieb Jace Kattalakis via orca-list:
Right, but...I thought I asked in a prior message, but....I'm not able to fire up Orca in a VM with Kubuntu 21.04 however. Is it that I got a bad image, or I'm doing something wrong...or can anyone else check the 21.04 image and see if Orca works for them?
On 22/04/2021 19:09, Peter Vágner wrote:

It turns out those of us that like to try out kubuntu with plasma 5.21, Kubuntu 21.04 has just been released.



Dňa 22. 4. 2021 o 18:43 Jace Kattalakis via orca-list napísal(a):
Having checked, Kubuntu still has 20.10 as the latest version on their site. I thought 21.04 would have been out now or?
On 22/04/2021 17:12, Jeffery Mewtamer via orca-list wrote:
I haven't used any flavor of Ubuntu in over a decade, and while
Kubuntu was the first distro I used as a main OS when I dropped
Windows XP, I went through phases of using Xubuntu and Lubuntu before
switching to Debian, and the only thing I did prior to name dropping
Kubuntu is doing a quick google search to confirm it's still a thing,
so I honestly have no clue which versions of anything it's running by
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