Re: [orca-list] Embossing: unsupported control character in BRF file

Devin Prater, le mar. 17 août 2021 13:16:59 -0500, a ecrit:
It still gives the same error.
Mmm... Ok, I found the issue, it's the '-' character in the BRF output,
that was caught by a bogus code bit in cups-filters. You probably have
a textbrftoindexv4 or textbrftoindexv3 file somewhere in something
like /usr/lib/cups/filter/, you can send it, and I'll send you a fixed
version. Basically, the line that says

if [ -z "${LINE/*[$'\000'-$'\037'$'\177']*}" ]

should actually be

if [ -z "${LINE/*[$'\000'$'\001'-$'\037'$'\177']*}" ]

Is there a possibility that I've set the embosser up incorrectly?
No, that filter error gets triggered way before sending data to the

I have it set to the HP openJet network printer type, with the IP
address like:


And the driver set to Index with model DV4/5.
Yep, that looks fine.


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