Re: [orca-list] Invisible objects on web sites


I can confirm this. Moreover, I found out that if you press "x" to browse by checkboxes, they are announced. However, when using arrows, they are not.
Vojta Polasek

Dne 28. 12. 21 v 10:18 Vojtech Å¡miro via orca-list napsal(a):

At this page
are invisible objects. I've tested this website with Chromevox in Cloudready and it worked perfectly. In linux in Firefox the objects are invisible.
Steps to reproduce
1. At the page press H to heading level 2, Suroviny. If you press down arrow three times, it jumps to Naše kuchařky právě v prodeji heading level 2 and you can't find what you need to cook this dinner. In Chromevox or Blindshell Classic 2 phone, there are checkboxes with things you need. 2. The next bug: go to heading level 2 Postup přípravy and read by down arrow. You have steps to cook 1, 2, 3, but the steps are invisible with Orca.
I've tried it with Orca Master in Ubuntu or in Debian. Is some way to 
repair it? If not, never mind, I will work with that on Chrome or 
Thanks a lot.

Best regards

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