Re: [orca-list] accessible video conferencing apps on Linux with orca

zoom bombing so far cannot be prevented on that platform, so that may be a good reason to avoid zoom until zoom either gets that problem fixed or the app itself gives up and fails.

On Fri, 5 Feb 2021, Nolan Darilek wrote:

Jitsi accessibility seems to have improved in the last few months. Can't speak to the accessibility of the native app, but my last browser tests seemed to indicate lots more labels and improved keyboard accessibility to buttons.

You'll probably want to use it with Chrome or a Chrome-based browser for the moment, as I think there are still a few rough edges for Firefox.

Also, depending on how you feel about Zoom, I think the browser-based meeting interface was fairly accessible when last I checked. The native Linux app left some things to be desired, but if you jump through the hoops to enable it, you and others can use the HTML 5 interface to host and attend meetings.
On 2/5/2021 11:45 AM, Daniel McGee via orca-list wrote:
 Hello all

 Any recommendations out there for video chat apps that one could use with
 orca in an accessible way?

 Using Ubuntu Mate 20.4 LTS with the Ubuntu software center installed.

 Many thanks


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