Re: [orca-list] Is the Manjaro Linux installer accessible with Orca?

Oh, it uses Manjaro now? I thought it used Black Arch, a security-focused distro.

On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 05:49:32PM -0500, Jude dashiell wrote:
Manjaro is an arch derivative and it's what jenux uses to install the desktop versions of archlinux it offers.

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021, Jason White via orca-list wrote:

I don't know, but Arch Linux recently introduced accessibility features into its system images. Manjaro appears to be an Arch derivative.
On 7/2/21 2:08 pm, Francisco Tissera via orca-list wrote:
Hi there everyone.

Well, the subject says it all: is the actuall installer accessible in any
way with orca? Since manjaro clames to be accessible?

Best regards.


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