Re: [orca-list] Bug in

Howdy Joanmarie,

If I remember the problem right, that commented code turned out not to be useful at all. We just ended up 
stopping speech manually.


On Fri, Jan 08, 2021 at 12:58:13PM +0100, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Storm.

Sorry for the delay in responding. Playing catch-up after holidays.

As I indicated in the commit I just made to Orca master: Those lines
were commented out years and years ago. When I re-enabled them, other
stuff broke, so I commented them back out.

I'd be interested in knowing what specifically you are seeing in
keyboard interrupt not working. While the lines in question are indeed
commented out, the default script's presentationInterrupt method is
what should be called for keyboard interrupt. That method interrupts
both speech (by calling speech.stop, which in turn calls _cancel) and
braille (i.e. clearing any flash messages).

Having said that, I do think it's silly to have perpetually commented-
out code preventing an optional argument from doing anything. :) In
light of all this, the change to master I committed uncomments out the
lines in question, but also makes the default value of interrupt False.
This should minimize the instances where we are now interrupting speech
where before we weren't. Maybe. I hope. ;)

Does this change fix whatever "doesn't always work like it is supposed
to issue"? Mind giving me some steps to reproduce the problem you're
seeing, regardless?


On Wed, 2020-12-16 at 14:27 -0500, Storm Dragon wrote:

There is a possible bug in
def speak(self, text=None, acss=None, interrupt=True):
#if interrupt:
          #    self._cancel()

it looks like keyboard interrupt doesn't always work like it is
supposed to. basically the call to cancel is commented. So if it is
called from a script it will fail.


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