Re: [orca-list] How to improve some apps speed with Orca

Not significantly faster, as far as I can tell, Jude.

I am wondering how apps using the Qt5 toolkit behave.

I have installed Slackware64-current, will check in Plasma5.

The old Dolphin shipped is Slint-14.2.1 looks reasonably fast.

Cheers, Diider

Le 23/01/2021 à 14:02, Jude DaShiell a écrit :
How does pcmanfm perform compared to caja with large directories?

On Sat, 23 Jan 2021, Didier Spaier via orca-list wrote:

Hi Jean-Philippe,

Caja is very slow even when Orca is not running.

as an example it takes a long time to display the content of a folder
containing 3400 files in detailed list mode.

Thunar and Dolphin are way faster to do the same thing.

Another Caja oddity is that it often doesn't refresh the displayed list of
files when they change, at least here (version 1.24.0).

Cheers, Didier

Le 23/01/2021 ? 06:20, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL via orca-list a ?crit :

 I experience several situations for which I wonder how it would be
 possible to help Orca or the app to work faster. Here are 3 examples. My  purpose is to know wether it is a Orca work or what kind of bugs I should
 report to the upstream app.
 1. Caja: in list mode, or compact mode, when I load a directory containing  many files, the window loads very very slowly. THe contents of the dir is
 displayed, but Orca does not displays it. What can be done?
 2. Thunderbird: if Orca starts in a maildir containing thousands orf
 mails, all is freezing several minutes before I can go ahead. Just like if
 Orca needs time to parse the dir.
 3. GTK open/save dialog: last year we talked about them about the search  method when entering, in the file list, letters contained in the file. A  solution was found but I dont know how it was implemented. Now the thing
 is when I enter a path, with ctrl-l, the text I am writing or
 autocompletion is very very long before being displayed. The problem is
 only with Orca because if I restart it, the line is immediately complete.

 I guess it is an event issue, but I think we would really improve the
 users Linux experience working on this problem

 Thanks for feedback

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