Re: [orca-list] bluetooth headsets and ubuntu mate?

Hey there,

nope, but I got another issue, after pairing my headphones, they were
not connecting at all!

IDK why, as it has certainly worked before, but after a day of
searching, I got a solution:

sudo bluetoothctl <<<"connect 20:74:CF:13:55:3A"

Where the number sequence is the device's mac address. If you're not
sure what's the address of your device, you can use:

bt-device -l

To list the paired devices and their respective addresses.

Though you'll probably need to install bluez-tools package before
running it.

After initiating the first command, the headphones are now connecting
automatically. I need to run it only when adding a new device.

Best regards


Dňa 7. 7. 2021 o 14:12 Norman King napísal(a):

I've got another sticky issue. I'm trying to get my bluetooth headset to
pair with mate. It works on gnome, but in mate after i hit pair i get
asked how i want to connect the headset. My choices are serial port or
don't connect, and serial port doesn't work. Has anyone ever run into
this before and if so, did you find a fix?

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