Re: [orca-list] Using Zoom

I think you should see if there is a shortcut key for it in Windows and try that. If there is no shortcut key, you might consider writing down the key strokes it takes to activate the button in Windows and then doing the same thing in Linux. Or go back to the original idea and use a Windows virtual machine.
On 7/29/21 10:56 AM, Jordan Verner wrote:

No; there is a feature called "Original Sound" which turns off noise cancellation and other filtering so that music can be transmitted. Otherwise the music gets mutilated because Zoom thinks it's background noise.
It's something the host has to allow and then individual participants 
see a button to turn it on.

On 2021-07-29 9:03 a.m., Milton wrote:
Maybe this is of help

alt+m mute all audio except host

Op 29-07-2021 om 14:56 schreef John G Heim via orca-list:
Here's a link to a page that lists shortcut keys for Linux, Windows, and mac. Original sound is not listed in the section on shortcut keys for Linux. But it looks like you can do lots of other things in spite of the accessibility problems:

On 7/28/21 8:14 PM, Jordan Verner wrote:
Do you know how to turn on "original sound" so that audio such as music can be transmitted without it being filtered? This is trivial on Win or Mac, but the settings screen is not accessible under Linux as far as I can tell. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this?

On 2021-07-28 9:06 p.m., John G Heim via orca-list wrote:
I use Zoom on my Linux laptop all the time. I don't think i installed anything. I am just using Firefox. I do meetings  via Zoom for my job and on the weekends, I play AD&D via Zoom. I had one problem in that I didn't know what the mute/unmute hotkey was. Turns out it's alt+a. Video on/off is alt+v.
I really don't think you have to mess around with virtual machines 
or anything. There is a good chance I will play AD&D this weekend. 
If so, I'll take notes on what I do an post them to this list. But 
I don't think I'm doing anything particularly brilliant. I think if 
you just follow the instructions on Zoom, it will work.

On 7/27/21 9:05 AM, Sébastien Hinderer wrote:
Thanks a lot JEan-Philippe for your so quick and informative response.
Exploring the possibility to use it on a Windows virtual machine.
Accessibility may be better there, and at least it wouldn't have access
to the whole system.

Best wishes,

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