Re: [orca-list] Pluginsystem for Orca using libpeas

Howdy Alex,

This is an very good idea. I thought about something similar. Sadly, I do not have many experience with NVDAs 
API. Maybe Andy can help out here? As far as i understand he already did some nice additions for NVDA.

@Andy, maybe can create some level of compatibility? Maybe use the good, and improve the not so good concepts 
of NVDA in some compatible way?

Cheers chrys

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 11.06.2021 um 01:19 schrieb Alexandro Jurgensen <voiceovertrainer me com>:


Then, let me propose something different. What if we made a common plugin format with NVDA, Orca, and 
others, os that plugins can be written once and shared. Like web browser extension, they would not be 100% 
portable, but could hire enough code to push the industry forward and give greater choice to users, leading 
to a bigger pool for developers.

Warm regards,

Alex Jurgensen,
I wear many hats!

Lead Software Developer,
Bowen Innovations Research and Development Society

Camp Bowen Society for the Independence of the Blind and Deafblind

Lead Program Coordinator
Pacific Training Centre for the Blind

On Jun 10, 2021, at 4:10 PM, Linux A11y <chrys linux-a11y org> wrote:

Howdy Alex,

well, possible is very unsharp by definition . Technically is everything possible. Depends on how many 
developers, time or money is spent. So the right question is does it make sense? It agree to Christopher, 
a lot of abstraction is required, and the backend scrips might need a complete rewrite on every Platt-form 
as well. even if possible, i would say its not wort to do. In that time you have created something from 
scratch as well and this fitts the needs even more. Just my opinion, not  a rule ;).

Cheers chrys

Am 11.06.2021 um 00:58 schrieb Christopher Chaltain <chaltain outlook com>:
Yes, I understand. My point is that I don't think it's very feasible, but that's just my $0.02.

Christopher (AKA CJ)
Chaltain at Outlook

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandro Jurgensen <voiceovertrainer me com> 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 5:46 PM
To: Christopher Chaltain <chaltain outlook com>
Cc: chrys <chrys linux-a11y org>; orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Pluginsystem for Orca using libpeas

Hi Christopher,

I wasn’t meaning to ask if you could do this work, just trying tu gauge how possible such an endeavour 
would be before sticking a few devs on it. We are particularly interested in an alternate Mac screen 
reader in addition to Linux support. :)

Warm regards,

Alex Jurgensen,
I wear many hats!

Lead Software Developer,
Bowen Innovations Research and Development Society

Camp Bowen Society for the Independence of the Blind and Deafblind

Lead Program Coordinator
Pacific Training Centre for the Blind

On Jun 10, 2021, at 3:39 PM, Christopher Chaltain via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:

My understanding is that a lot of screen reader code is taking advantage of technologies built into and 
unique to each operating system, so only a limited amount of the code could be ported, and a lot of work 
would have to go into making this portable code work with the OS specific layers that would be needed on 
each platform. Just my $0.02.

Christopher (AKA CJ)
Chaltain at Outlook

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list <orca-list-bounces gnome org> On Behalf Of chrys
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 2:55 PM
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Pluginsystem for Orca using libpeas

Howdy Alex,

maybe its technically possible, but windows already has a lot of screen readers. So i will only 
concentrate my time to Linux. For windows its just another alternative. fur Linux its a must have 
without any choice currently.

Am 10.06.21 um 21:21 schrieb Alexandro Jurgensen via orca-list:
Hi All,

I’m just throwing this out there but can this work set the stage for Orca to be ported to other 
operating systems? The organization I work with is interested in cross-platform screen reader 
technologies. If there are already separate plugins for GTK and QT apps on the table, could this pave 
the way for plugins based on MSAA or Apple’s AXAccessibility APIs?

Warm regards,

Alex Jurgensen,
I wear many hats!

Lead Software Developer,
Bowen Innovations Research and Development Society

Camp Bowen Society for the Independence of the Blind and Deafblind

Lead Program Coordinator
Pacific Training Centre for the Blind

On Jun 10, 2021, at 9:56 AM, Didier Spaier via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:


I would go for: 3. Build libpeas from source.

Make a package for it just took 40 seconds on my laptop.

I'll leave for others to tell you how to do that for Ubuntu.


Le 10/06/2021 à 18:44, Geoff Shang a écrit :
On Thu, 10 Jun 2021, chrys wrote:
if this commit is true, you need at least version 1.26 of libpeas from January 2020.
Debian Bullseye (the next release) has libpeas 1.28.
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be in buster-backports.
I looked at the version in Bullseye. It actually has fewer dependencies than the version in Buster, 
and many of them are the same version or are covered by packages in Buster.
However, it depends on libpython3.9, and as the version of Python in Buster is 3.7.3 and one of the 
dependencies for libpython3.9 is libc6 >= 2.29 which is higher than the version in Buster, trying to 
pull in libpeas from Bullseye will result in an upgrade of libc6 which will suck in a whole lot of 
other packages.
As I see it, your choices are:
1.  Upgrade to Bullseye.  Bullseye is currently frozen and is likely to release soon, so this might 
be safe enough to do.  I'm going to do this on one of my systems for a similar reason - I need Python 
3.7.  You should read the release notes first though as there may be important changes (you should 
do this anyway).
2.  Pull in libpeas from Bullseye anyway and accept all the upgraded packages.  This will result in a 
partially upgraded system which is probably not a good idea, especially given that lib6 will be 
3.  Build libpeas from source. I have no idea at all how involved this is and it may well be more 
work than it's worth, particularly given the dependencies.
4.  Wait for Bullseye to release.
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