Re: [orca-list] Do you know a accessible translation tool that uses google translate?


there is an SOPS plugin to translate the clipboard using translate shell for orca.
the plugin system:
the plugin

the plugin has 2 parameters,
1: the language (used by translate shell)
2: replace the clipbaord with translated text (True / False)

how to pass parameters

example for translate to german and dont replace the clipboard using shortcut Orca + m:

cheers chrys

Am 11.06.21 um 03:58 schrieb Shadyar Khodayari:
Hello every body
1. do you know an accessible translation tool that uses Google
Translate service?
If it is available by pressing a shortcut globally it is better.
Glade is not appropriate because its TTS does not read all languages
eg. Persian.
2. does Orca has any plugin that can do that? If so, How can I get it?
I am using ubuntu with Mate desktop.
Thanks in advance.


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