Re: [orca-list] Please test master in case I broke the universe

Hey Kyle. Thanks for testing!! If you can get some reliable steps to
reproduce the problem along with a full debug.out, I'll take a look.
The goal is for Orca to handle event floods but continue to process
valid events correctly. Having to restart Orca is never good. Some
special handling for terminals may be in order.

Thanks again!

On Sun, 2021-06-13 at 17:02 -0400, Kyle via orca-list wrote:
The universe is not broken. In fact, most things do seem to work
and this new handling seems to fix what I thought were frequent
in a couple of audio players as I tried to batch edit tags. The only 
problem I see now is that after such a flood or deluge of events is 
handled, or at least that's when I think it's happening, I no longer 
hear any spoken output in a terminal unless I restart Orca. I can
read flat review, but terminal output is no longer automatically
what may be happening, as it has only happened twice, and I have
used different functionality in the same player for editing my tags.
any case, an event flood may in fact be what triggers this terminal 
issue, but I can't be certain that it's not something else entirely 
reliably reproduce the problem. A big thank you for the new event 
handling, overall, it's quite good.


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