Re: [orca-list] Strange reading of a certain pdf in firefox

Hi Peter.
What I don't understand is why the problem doesn't seem to happen when I use chromium to read the same pdf.

On 6/25/21 6:25 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:

I think this might be an authoring issue.

This looks like a fillable form with nothing to fill with the text drawn on all over the page. The PDF is not tagget thus no formatting is visible to assistive tools.
To get a tagged PDF out of this I can use ocrmypdf OCR-ing the content 
however that might have different issues as ocr is not a replacement 
for digital content.
If you only would like to read it and not process it in some way, I 
can also read it in evince however the document formatting is all on 
one long line.



Dňa 25. 6. 2021 o 10:01 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza napísal(a):
Hi all.

I don't know if the problem is in the orca, the FF or  between the chair and the keyboard, but the fact is that when I try to access the pdf that is on the   link, it reads strangely.

Some words are read by orca as if thy had a space in the middle.

For exemple:

"module" is read as "m odule", "metric" as "m etric" and so one.

Apparently the same pdf is read correctly by chromium.

Since I'm between the chair and the keyboard, am I doing something wrong?

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