Re: [orca-list] Fast-moving Kickstarters stall Orca.

Hi Jeffery.

Right now the page is quiet and from a quick glance I didn't see any
high-volume pages. That said, what you describe sounds like Orca
suffering from an event flood. Orca master has some event-flood
handling added to it. Is there any way you can test it?


On Tue, 2021-06-29 at 16:30 +0000, Jeffery Mewtamer via orca-list
Okay, not sure if this is an Orca issue, a Firefox-ESR issue, or a
running a 32-bit kernel with 4GB of Ram and 2GB of swap issue, but
when popular Kickstarters are in their First 48 or Final 48 when new
pledges and increases in existing pledges are at their highest
volume(and sometimes even during the mid-campaign dulldrums for
popular projects that are fast even at their slowest), Firefox and/or
Orca are sluggish as [insert superlative here]. sometimes even
freezing up for seconds at a time...

I'm currently running Firefox-ESR 78.11 and Orca 40 sourced from
Debian Unstable and Experimental respectively, but this issue has
present for several versions of both, and while Kickstarter is
generally a buggy mess with tons of accessiblity issues, this is a
case where it goes from annoying to almost makes reading pages
impossible, never mind participating in the comments(On fast moving
projects, I have to compose comments in Gmail compose message page
otherwise my keyboard becomes non-responsive for several seconds
few typed words, and even then, copying the comment, switching to the
Kickstarter tab, and pasting when the Kickstarter tab already has
focus on the comment box can take a minute or more waiting for the
sluggish page to respond).

turning off JavaScript in about:config solves the sluggishness, but
also prevents comments from loading, and is thus a non-solution.

As I only have this problem with campaigns that are reciving high
volumes of new pledges or pledge increases, and can hear Orca
announcing x%, often in tandem with periods of freezing despite
live reagions set to off, I suspect the problem might be centered on
where right below the level 2 heading with the project's name, the
percent funded, backer count, and funding total are automatically
updated without having to refresh the page.

Here's a link to a just launched project that's currently suffering
the issue so bad I can't even passively read comments without
interruptions and it was a struggle just to bookmark the page:

Some aspects of the problem would require being logged in and having
pledge on the project in question, but in the worse cases, just
scrolling through comments or the campaign page is like wading
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