Re: [orca-list] Getting a raspberry pi up and running with orca



For instructions on how to get the Pi running.

I've used them myself with some tweaks on my Raspberry pi 4b, and they
worked great.

The most significant step I needed to do aside from the instructions was
installing Orca from the default repository first before installing the
git version, otherwise I was unable to set it up, it got stuck on the
screenreader installation message (press shortcut to install Orca), and
it was not possible to continue.

Though this may be as well caused by the fact I was going with the
default environment, the situation may be different on Mate.

Anyway, it certainly can be done. It's not exactly the Super+Alt+S out
of the box experience you might be used to, but it works, without the
need for a sighted assistance.

Also, situation may be different with other systems, like Ubuntu Mate. I
know there were efforts to port it for Raspberry pi 4b, though I'm not
aware what's the current progress on that, it wasn't available back in
times when I was setting up my Pi.

Best regards


Dňa 2. 4. 2022 o 11:28 Guy Schlosser via orca-list napísal(a):
Hey there everyone, I am considering purchasing a raspberry pi 400. Is it possible to flash an SD card with 
the Ubuntu mate Image, and have a come up talking with Orca?  Is it a simple matter of pressing alt plus 
Windows plus S, once you boot the pi? I would love to hear a demo of someone doing this successfully. 
Thanks for any help and advice.


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