Re: [orca-list] Reading PDF files with Orca

On Thu, Apr 07, 2022 at 11:53:05AM +0200, Ali Savas via orca-list wrote:
Always converting the PDF files to text can't be a permanent solution,
especially since you want to keep the tables, headings, lists, etc.
ACK you are right but  again I  couldn't find any working solution here
which  is comparable to existing  software in EG. Windows with adobe
reader DC.

Yes I've also tested evince and it is installed on my machine.

Don't know the status of it but I use only lts versions of ubuntu which
means I can only talk about version 3.36.

It wasn't able to read labels of edit field  in a very basic Dokument so
I filled that pdf in Windows with Adobe Reader.

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