Re: [orca-list] Orca and gsuite

Hi Joanie,

Of course I am ready to do this. But the problem is then how to reproduce them. Here we work on some environments where it is difficult to reproduce steps if we have not the same one. Also some expectations are not necessarily easy to write, as it is a global user experience. Let's take 2 examples, in the drive (orca master, Firefox nithgly): - lets try to open the drive and acess to the shared files list and browse in the tree. To make things simple, ctrl-home to be at the beginning of the page. Just here: Down goes to the general toolbar, but tab does not go to one of its item, but rather on the heading column, if I understand correctly. Ok so no, lets try again. Now, tab goes on the search field. Lets try again after rebooting orca, ok now, it works. I go to the tree of the general folders (My drive, shardd with me, etc). I choose Shared with me. After Enter, the focus goes to the list of recent docs. Lag is strong (about 1 second per item at each pressing of down). Note I have a lot of pages opens (tabs) and some sheets files in some of them.
I stop here for now. The log is here:

First issue here: the lag. Is it not avoidable? Due to other apps opened on the computer (I open spotify, Thunderbird and other GUIs).
Ok now, after I open a file, lets try to move a copy in another place 
(we are far from the save as or ctrl-c ctrl-v process on a classical 
file manager). The log of this operation is here (andy very, veyr long, 

The steps here: move the file in a sense, then another. Then open the file Modèle, try to generate a copy (oops cannot define the destination), then back to the drive and move it. I have everything in this log: lags, focus mode not enabled in a relevant way, some interactions keys with a random behaviour (routine of the braille display? enter? well, not obvious and not always the same). And sometimes Enter opens a menu, sometimes it closes the process. For example, during the creation of the copy, try choosing the destination folder, impossible.
To finish this mail, understand me well: I absolutely dont say Orca is 
only responsible. I guess it is a global problem of the Google tools and 
maybe Firefox itself. That is why I suggested a synchronous work, as I 
think a asynchronous one with bug reports may be difficult. But I can 
try again. What I mean in this thread is: how could we handle the 
problem globally (where to send relevant bugreports, what to fix in 
Orca, elsewhere, etc)?
Available for any further mails or other work ways if you want. Hypra 
will probably try working on this too in next weeks, as it becomes a 
pain for me in my daily life. But I think help about what should be done 
and where would be useful (and yes, I hope some things may improve 
quickly to finish the job I am epected to do before next month but... 
that is a deram I share with you (nearly joke).
Best regards

 I come back

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Le 12/01/2022 à 23:33, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
Bug reports with very concrete steps to reproduce the problem, along
with expected results and actual results, are always welcome in gitlab.

On Wed, 2022-01-12 at 18:51 +0100, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL via orca-list

With libreoffice low accessibility and problems to do colaborative
I need to work more and more on Gsuite. I wonder what is your
with it. Here it is difficult: I use Drive, Docs, Sheets, mainly. In
these situations I experience very big lags, a relative focus
instability (tab does not systematicaly switch between file list and
other bars), a heratic behaviour of Orca in Docs, wel, daily life is
very under-productive. What about other users?
If this topics interests people and, of course, if Joanie has time
wants to do, I can share with her the drive where I work and the
in Docs. Also I can send logs or we can do "sprint"/meetings to see
things together. Is it realistic?
I also tried those tools on Android. Many things go better, even if
there are yet focus problems to use it really efficiently.
Best regards

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