[orca-list] HTML reading issue


I have large problem with reading html document with TV and radio programme. I know, it's Czech, but I believe you can understand my problem.
In the document, you have days in the week - pondělí (monday), úterý 
(Tuesday), středa (Wednesday), čtvrtek (thursday), pátek (Fryday,), 
sobota (Saturday), neděle (sunday) and after that you colabse it, you 
have televize (televisions) and rádia (radios). If you colabse for 
example rádia and find rádio Junior and you want to read for example 
pondělí, Rádio junior, 13:00 Velká pohádka (Big fearytale) and want to 
read details, arrows don't work. The problem is in Televisions too, just 
try read, work with the document and the problem occurs. Sometimes Orca 
jumps to the top of the site. This problem I have on many web sites in 
these times. I am attaching you this document.
thanks a lot for your help and I wish you great days.

Best regards


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