Re: [orca-list] Heads-up: WebKitGtk 2.36 may not be a great idea at themoment

Thanks for the heads up, Joanie. Also, thanks for all your hard work and commitment to the orca project. Just 
a question, how do we make sure that we are on Webkit 2.34? 

JAWS Certified, 2021,

On May 17, 2022, at 8:38 AM, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:

Hey all.

This is a good-news/bad-news sort of announcement. The good news is
that a lot of work is taking place to improve WebKitGtk accessibility
which will eventually make it possible for me to port Orca's WebKitGtk
support to what is used for Gecko and Chromium/Chrome.

The bad news is that some of that work has landed in WebKitGtk 2.36,
and there are bugs. For instance, what Orca needs to perform structural
navigation (e.g. move to next heading, get a list of links, etc.) is
totally broken and will need to be fixed on the WebKitGtk side of
things. I'll be filing bugs against WebKitGtk to get those things
fixed. And in the meantime I'll be handling things as best I can in
Orca (master, gnome-42, and gnome-40).

So.... If you are in a position where you can use WebKitGtk 2.34, that
would be my recommendation for the near future.

Sorry for any inconvenience!
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