Re: [orca-list] Modlet should now be accessible

Howdy Hunter,

About the programming actions there is a very recent (19 day) commit to fix accessibility on code editor stuff. Maybe that improves what you are observing?

If you still have issues while using it, please give feedback to the developers as they currently try to fix all this issues and it would be bad if they want fix but can’t fix as they don’t know about issues. We should support this effort where ever we can to help out.

Cheers chrys

Am 14.10.2022 um 13:50 schrieb Hunter Jozwiak <hunter t joz gmail com>:

chrys <chrys linux-a11y org> writes:

Howdy List,

as we are speaking about KDE and applications: for those who play MUDs here, there is an QT based MUD client named "Mudlet". this just arrives accessiblity support. maybe you can check this out and give feedback to the developers (as i don't play any kind of MUDs) with this commit: here the initial issue:

I had been trying this out for a while now; I have found ti good at reading the game, but not good for doing actual things like programming actions and triggers. But my hat's off to them for implementing it.

cheers chrys

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