Hello,Discourse has so called mailing list mode. Here is a discussion about it: https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-is-mailing-list-mode/46008/8 You can configure it in your preferences. For example I've registered to the gnome discourse with the username pvagner and here is link to my email preferences: https://discourse.gnome.org/u/pvagner/preferences/emails . Of course yours will be different. If this is turned on reportedly all the discourse instance messages are relayed to your mailbox as a traditional email list. I am not sure this is something I would like to get though as there might be a lot of different discussions not related to accessibility and related subjects. Also there is a feature which will send out summaries of popular topics if you are not active on the web interface of discourse. This can be turned off within the email settings of your discourse account too. Independent of this mailing list mode, there is also ability to track or watch topics or watch first post of a topic. I understand is that tracking only affect the web UI while watching also notifies by email. There is ability to watch tags or categories. Here is a discussion about these discourse features: https://meta.discourse.org/t/actual-difference-between-tracked-and-watching-first-post/61036
Closest to our topics is the tag a11y.Thus for a test drive I've enabled mailing list mode and added a11y into watched first post. I'll see how much emails I'll get.
Looking at the discourse web UI I see they managed to do great deal of UX and work related to accessibility. When looking at categories table it's arranged as a data table and is nice to navigate with screen readers on all platforms. When looking at lists of topics be it topics within a category, topics tagged with a specific tag or a search results, topics are shown as a table and topic names are headings. So it's easy to navigate in there too. When looking at posts in a given forum topic individual posts are different live regions. When screen reader is in the focus mode it has its own keyboard commands j and k implemented for navigating by individual posts. There are other custom UI elements e.g. comboboxes with great accessibility suppor found in the settings. This is my understanding of discourse. I think it finally deserves some use by blind and visually disabled people if they have put so much effort into making it accessible to such an extend. I am not going to forcefully use discourse instead of email list but if gnome will decide to move our list there I know I will be able to participate in the discussions both on the web and by email. That's a great outlook to the future and I know I'll enjoy it.
Greetings Peter Dňa 13. 9. 2022 o 10:41 Jace Kattalakkis via orca-list napÃsal(a):
On the one hand. Discourse is more modern than an email list.On the other from what I remember, being on a Discourse forum, I got emails giving me a digest of everything on the forum every week...and specific ones only when I started a topic, and could never reply to them at all even though it gave me the option to respond via email. Now I don't have a running Discourse up and going to test right now., but given the wide variety of Orca versions being run here, it's not really a shock to say oh, everyone is going to have differing experiences compared to, say, everyone just reading a plain text email. Don't get me wrong Discourse has some really, really nice features under the hood. But....it is not as quick or easy to respond to emails or skip over topics I don't much care for, for example I can just go down to the next message in Mutt or Thunderbird, vs having to go down the topic list then wait for Firefox or Brave or Chromium or whichever browser I'm using to load up the page then scroll all the way down and past the message I wantI feel like the idea of moving to a web based forum isn't really practical in the long run for simplicity and ease of use, honestly. It's taking away the quick and easy part of a mailing listOn 9/13/22 08:50, Christian Schoepplein via orca-list wrote:Hi,moving the list to a webbased service will be the most inaccessible and most complicated solution, especialy if it is a discussion plattform for and with blind users :-(. Allthough I know the advantages of those webforums my expirence is that many blind people will not longer use those plattforms because they are to complicated, timeintensive and many unecessary content is presented on those sites. We tried to move mailinglists for blind people to webbased solutions years ago and they are dead now, the people do not longer use them :-(.This sites are not really accessible in most cases and interacting with discussions is complicated or takes at least more time then writing just simple emails. Most people know how to handle a mailprogram, but using a webbased solution is not always easy for them.That said, I'd really suggest to move this list to a provider that offers webbased access but also email based communication. If communication via email is not longer possible, IMHO this forum will be used by only a hand full users in future and other alternative, easier to use solutions, will come up.I'll try Discurse ofcourse, but I feel this is the wrong plattform for us :-(. The people that made this decission did not have accessiblity and inclusion in mind :-(.Cheers,  Schoepp _______________________________________________ orca-list mailing list orca-list gnome org https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list Orca wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca Orca documentation: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/GNOME Universal Access guide: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html_______________________________________________ orca-list mailing list orca-list gnome org https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list Orca wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca Orca documentation: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/GNOME Universal Access guide: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html
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