Re: Using OSTree API

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015, at 02:58 AM, Leandro Santiago wrote:

I checked ostree uses libglnx to manage memory
libglnx just wraps GCC's __attribute__((cleanup)):

Which then later landed in GLib.

You don't *need* to use this of course, it's just extra convenience.

Awkwardly I found no ways to generate C++ bindings from introspection
files. It's a bit off-toppic Do anyone know if it is possible?
I am not sure if there is a project implementing that - AFAIK the
glibmm bindings still use .defs files, though I may be wrong.

As far as languages, I think dynamic languages are good for prototyping,
but they tend to be heavy on memory usage which matters when you
have a persistent daemon, so C/C++ is likely
your best bet long term, and lowers the impedance mismatch.

That's what we've done with the rpm-ostree daemon.

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