Re: OSTree and OCI images

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016, at 04:38 AM, Alexander Larsson wrote:

However, the code you link to above is not about pruning commits, it is
about pruning branches (which then refer to the above commits). "ostree
prune" will never remove a branch like that. Of course, when pulling a
layer we need to know what ostree commit id the layer id maps to, so we
need the branch to be there, and thus you need some custom branch
pruning. (Unless we store the oci layer id => ostree commit id some
other way.)
Right, conceptually there needs to be two levels of prune logic, one for
oci -> ostree, and ostree.  The atomic command's OCI support does
the first part.

This distinction is all mirrored in rpm-ostree BTW, which currently
uses a separate repo in /ostree/repo/extensions/rpmostree/pkgcache,
as well as its own strong refs on the "base" commits.

And that leads to pointing out there has always been custom refs
in the OSTree-for-host case like "ostree/1/0/0" because of the
distinction between deployments and the origin refs.

Anyways what I'm trying to get at here is - what do we see as the
near term scope of this OCI-in-ostree work?  Should we take
most of the core logic for managing the refs -> layers from
the atomic command down into ostree in addition to the importing?

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