Re: [Planner Dev] A patch to correct task costs calculations

> total += mrp_assignment_get_units (l->data) * priv->work * cost /
> (3600.0 * 100);
> that is the correct thing to do, but then, we have the email from
> Waldemar that shows some strange things and the problem is using
> "priv->work".  The "work" to do the task won't change but if we change
> the assignment_units for a resource to a task, the cost using the same
> work will be lower, that it is wrong. So to solve the thing, we need to
> change "priv->work" for "priv->duration".

You also need duration instead of work if you use more than one

> total += mrp_assignment_get_units (l->data) * priv->duration * cost /
> (3600.0 * 100);

We do need to setup some task cases for which we do define tasks,
resources and the expected cost. Then we'll agree on those and be able
to get the correct cost computation.

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