Re: [Planner Dev] Status, plans etc

Richard Hult wrote:

Hi all,

I'm thinking about doing a 0.12.1 soonish, which will be mostly updated
translations but also a few pretty important fixes that have accumulated
since 0.12. This should be the last version that works with less than
GNOME 2.6.

If someone has any important fixes that should go in, let me know :)

I don't have any specific plans personally for 0.13, since I am pretty
busy at the moment. We already have a pretty big set of changes in CVS:
new scheduler, uimanager, win32 stuff, eds plugin, new database code and
more. We should start to finish up those changes and try to stabilize
things a bit and get ready for a release soon (within a month or so).

It would be interesting to hear about any plans from the rest of you
guys. I hope my recent lack of time for hacking doesn't discourage
anyone :) I'm still available for patch reviewing, discussing things
Well, as I stated somewhere my target is to have 100% native win32 
Planner in 0.13. For 0.12.1... I well new thing to me, but I think 
cleaning up my win32 mess should be enough.

Jani Tiainen

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