Re: [Planner Dev] Planner Development Assistance

On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 18:39, Mark Durrenberger wrote:
> >Hi All,


> When I learned about planner, I thought "finally, a tool that's not MS 
> Project and in the public domain" -

Beware, this is NOT public domain. Planner is GPL and it is a license.
It gives users more right than the usual lisence but it based on
copyrights and you can not do whatever you want with (unlike public
domain). If you are insterested has more information about GPL.

> I'd like to participate in the development of planner, however, I'm not a 
> C++ programmer (VB has taught me a bit about OO programming but I still 
> struggle with the ideas - unfortunately most of my programming was done 
> in  FORTRAN (66 and 77) on a CDC mainframe or a VAX). I've done a tiny bit 
> of C programming and expect over time to come up that learning curve...

Most of Gnome (and Gtk+) applications use C has language. The object
oriented part is a C library called GObject but it still is C.

> Of course, my biggest fear is that Planner become the "free" version of MS 
> Project. I don't feel that MSP is a good model for PM Software (an 
> apparently it is a cash cow for MS - Lots of copies sold, but not lots of 
> users thus low support costs)

Well, I think it's a good thing the project can gather alternatives
choices so that it can become more usable. The best way to report that
is to discuss with the team either on irc (#planner on or
either on this mailing list.
It is also nice to get the new features on bugzilla so that one is able
to list the bugs and whishlist.
This remembers me that someone a while ago posted some feedback on
planner but I'm not sure that went on bugzilla. Richard/Michael, could
we make a point on that tomorow ?

Xavier Ordoquy.

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