Hi guys! We have finished the group undo work and now, as undo/redo system is very young code, we will love some testing before releases with this code. If you are using Planner from CVS, please play a little with group undo/redo. It is easy: - Go to the resources view - Push over the group button - Add/remove/modify properties from a group - Try to undo/redo all the commands you can do as a user. We continue with the work in resources now. The plan is that every thing that a user can do with Planner, could be undo. Cheers -- Alvaro del Castillo San Félix Lambdaux Software Services S.R.L. Director de Arquitectura y Desarrollo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Centro de Apoyo Tecnológico C/ Tulipán sn E28933 Mostoles, Madrid-Spain www.lambdaux.com acs lambdaux com
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