Fwd: Re: [Planner Dev] MS Project 'red flag'

> At 07:13 PM 2/16/2004, you wrote:
>>ons 2004-02-11 klockan 20.32 skrev Mark Durrenberger:
> "Keep duration constant" (is that better than "fixed duration"?)
> (default) "Keep effort constant"
> "keep allocation % constant" (please don't use "units")

I personally like 'fixed duration', but that's just my preference.
I like your thinking on this subject.  It occurs to me, though, that if you
choose only one of the 3 options to remain constant, the machine won't be
able to decide which of the other two to float, or if both, by how much.
You'd have to choose 2 and allow the 3rd to float.  So maybe the converse
will be easier ... offering radio buttons on each of the 3, and allow the
user to choose which one floats rather than the 2 that don't.  ??

Excellent point. I'm going to have to think this through more (guess I'll have to dust off my brain :-) I do know that effort in MSP has some constraints built in based on the assigned resource's calendar (typical resource has 8 hours a day) so if duration is variable and you tweak effort MSP does a divide by 8 (or whatever the calendar says) to recalculate duration

> I've been thinking a lot about my own linux/ Gnu/ C learning curve and
> am  trying to figure out what in my life I can/want to ignore so I'll
> have time  to learn... doesn't look good. I feel a bit guilty "throwing
> out" ideas and  not helping with the heavy lifting...
> Can you tell me about dual booting - could I set my laptop (Dell) with
> a  40GB drive up to run both win2k and Linux (how much space would I
> need to  give to linux) - which version of linux (red had, FreeBSD...)
> do you recommend?

I personally like Red Hat.  I think that's what Richard and Mikael are
using also.

I'd allocate 10Gb for Linux, although you could get away with less ...
depends on what you want to use more - the good stuff or the other stuff. ;)
Red Hat's 'Everything' installation option will put about 5GB of stuff on
your disk right off the bat, although a regular workstation type install
will take up 2 or 2.5 GB.

If you want to keep an existing windows installation, I'd suggest using
Partition Magic (or there may be some freeware tool out there now, but its
been a long time since I've had the need, so I can't name one).

Otherwise, you'll want to install for dual boot in 3 steps:
1) Partition your disk
2) Install Windows
3) Install Linux

I'm getting a great deal of help from Hal Eisen (anther member of this list). He's pointed me to all the right downloads and will help with the partitioning etc. He too recommended Red Hat (9) and pointed me to the systemrescue which has a partition tool so I'm downloading now (RedHat 9 disk 2 ISO is 650MB and taking about 19 hours to download disk 1 and 3 took about an hour each why the huge diff I don't know)

I just noticed the quote below (I wrote a program that puts random quotes in my footer - quotes I've collected over the years) and thought about linux. (Linux is toothpaste :-)


Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it's hard to get it back in.

                                               H.R. Haldeman

("H.R. Haldeman H.R. "Bob" Haldeman, Nixon's chief of staff, spent 18 months in prison for his role in Watergate. A former advertising executive, Haldeman had a stern reputation as Nixon's gatekeeper and once called himself "the president's son-of-a-bitch." source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/onpolitics/watergate/haldeman.html)

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