Re: [Planner Dev] Planner and evolution data server integration

Alvaro del Castillo wrote:

Hi guys!


One shot shows more than 1000 words so here it is:

Imagine that each resource could see the status of her tasks just seeing
the clock applet. Integrating planner with evolution data server not
only integrates it with Evolution, but also with the clock applet and
any other application that can be a client for a evolution data server

This would also require either the use of a common server/database or some other way of pushing the data (email, IM, ...) to the various resources. I think this would rock but we need more than just e-d-s to do that.

I think e-d-s will mainly be useful for resource management and also for the project manager. That way he can keep milestones etc. in sync with his calendar.

Would as well rock to have support to mail out criticial dates to all resources (through evolution mail backend or via Loudmouth (Jabber)).

Best regards,
  Mikael Hallendal

Imendio HB,

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