[Planner Dev] Re: Concise view of tasks

Kurt commented:

Finally, I've always struggled with a good way to get MSP to show me a
concise view of what tasks should be active in the current and next week or so. In other words, I've got to manually scan down my plan for tasks
that should have started already or are about to start, and tasks that
should have finished already or should be finished soon.  This is a
special pain with larger plans. I'm not sure if this would need to be a
separate view, or a variation of the view you're proposing.

What size of window do you think this should be? Two weeks back and four weeks forward? Or perhaps based on a percentage of the project's total duration? Is it something that the project manager should set once and forget about? Or something that will change from week to week?

Really what I am trying to get a better handle on is: what specific criteria would you use to define the "concise view" of tasks that you would like to see?

-- Brian

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