[Planner Dev] Windows Port - Status update

Well, after few sleepless nights (well, not sleepless but quite few sleep hours) I have managed to put up partially working version of Planner.

Most of things seems to work (I haven't done excessive testing, just tried out few things).

Currently invoking "Save" or "Load" ends up with "Multiple SIGV caught" errors. Don't know why.

Views seems to be working, but for some strange reason start date of project for empty project is set to 31.12.1969 and it generates lot's of GLib warnings. After moving start date to e.g. 1.1.2004, warnings dissappear.

(IMO start date of empty project should be current date, it's most logical one..)

At least most of things in GUI seems to work, I can enter new tasks, arrange them and such.

If there is interest I can provide instructions & no-so-nice set of patches that makes possible to compile Planner under Cygnome2.


Jani Tiainen

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