Re: [Planner Dev] Planner enhancement ** Task Short Name patch against 0.11 CVS.


Updated version of this patch with changes based on
feedback from (Richard) and Alvaro.

Note this sets the dsn name to planner-auto.


lincoln phipps openmutual net wrote:

Attached is a tar.gz with the diff file with the following,

- New DTD version 0.7 with new short-name,
- Database SQL file statements for create (0.7) and upgrade (0.6.x -> 0.7),
- Updates to various files to use the new short name feature,
- Bug fixes for various problems found during testing including
    bug fixes to use PostgreSQL database to load/save,
The new code can read both an old file and an old database.

It will only write a new version file and database (if you update
    the database schema) i.e. it has no option to write to an
    old version file/database.

**Do we want the ability to SaveAs different versions of planner
**file format ?.

What does it give you ?.

This patch gives you a short name/nickname or initials (or whatever
you want to call it) field in your resource table and will use this in
the Gantt chart in preference to the resource name. If no short name
is configured then it uses the resource name by default. This feature
is handy when resource names are long e.g. people full names BUT there
isn't much room on a Gantt when you have a number of people allocated
to a task. So use shortname/ nicknames and then the gantt becomes a
little less cluttered.


ps: now back to my Resource Use popup which I stopped doing
while looking at this but at least I'm a lot closer to knowing
how the database store/load is done.


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Attachment: planner-cvs011-lcjp-20040310-shortnamesql.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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