Re: [Planner Dev] Lacks of functions

Pierre-Etienne Meunier kirjoitti:
Your project must be targeting enterprises in general, and it is great in this, but it does not fit my needs completely. I am an independant developer, working from time to time with enterprises. I think your soft is not enough adaptable, cause I would like to use it : - ONLY for the relevant dates in my project (appointments, end of project...) - as a task planner, where I could write which tasks are done, and which ones are to be done. (I love the current priority system, but scheduling tasks for a precise date is something I cant do). "Emergency tasks" that reminds you of something should also be considered in the future releases.
Well you can setup individual dates, in project management they're 
called milestones.
Just set checkmark in "Milestone" box in "Edit task" ->"General" 
tabpage. For precise date you have to go to "Tasks" view, select "Start" 
column, click dropdown (arrow down) button that appears, set "Constraint 
type" to "Start no earlier than" or "Must start on" and then select date 
from calendar. Same goes works for normal tasks or fixed duration tasks.
Only drawback is that you can't mark milestone as done. (Hmm, that's 
something which is missing...)
I know I suck by not fitting the traditionnal development categories. Thus, consider this emails as only personnal suggestions for improvements. And go on ! your soft is really great !
Sound more like PIM functionality that you need than functionality in 
project management altough some functions are overlapping.
You might consider to look eg. Mozilla Sunbird (calendar / task system) 
or Ximian Evolution (which can work in co-operation with Planner).

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