Re: [Planner Dev] Bugs marked for 0.14

Jani Tiainen kirjoitti:
Hello folks,

I suggest that following bugs, marked for release 0.14 are changed to 0.13 since they're "essential" ones:
Bug 144732: Undo/redo atomic operations

Bug 140639: Link/Unlink sensitive state unstable in certain cases.
I did little scheduling...

I think 0.13 could be pushed out on week 12 (14.3 - 20.3) if not special issues rise up.
I'll fix that link/unlink state in this week, since next week I'm on 
long waited and definitely deserved winter holiday.
I think that before 6th of March I can have that atomic operation issue 
solved and then there will be almos two weeks time to test and fix bugs 
if such appear.
Hopefully Kurt can get those minor manual bugs fixed by then...

BTW, what you guys are upto? It's been pretty silent around Planner, even Planner IRC channel seems "dead"... =)

Jani Tiainen

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