Re: [Planner Dev] Fixing database support


I joined the dev mail list especially because I was looking for such a thing. Actually, I'm already using a database-based project mgmt tool, it's dotProject. It's a web-based (written in PHP) system that stores the data in a MySQL database. My idea was to find a way to integrate Planner so that it could edit projects stored in dotProject databases. Although dotProject is a great project, it's often a pain to edit projects in a web-based interface, and so I though planner would be a good fit. Also with de advantage that you wouldn't need to build all the database infrastructure and user interfaces at once (such as the tables for customers, users, etc.)

I highly recommend that you take a look in dotProject ( If you would like to take a look in my dotProject installation, I can give you a login. And if you need some help in the development effort, I think I can spare some time to it, so please contact me.

Best regards,
Fabio Ceconello

kriberg tihlde org wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 19:32:34 +0100
From: Kristian Berg <kriberg tihlde org>
Subject: [Planner Dev] Fixing database support
To: planner-dev lists imendio com
Message-ID: <1132770754 8635 17 camel localhost localdomain>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


I've started looking into the database export/import code in planner, in
hopes of updating and extending it.

I've only used planner for running different software projects with
connections to college courses, so I'm not familiar with the real needs
for people using it in a more extensive way.

Here's what I was planing to start with:
* Rewrite the import/export dialogs to use predefined data sources as
defined by gnome-db. This doesn't add another dependency though. Here's
a small mockup of the dialog I imagined:

Sources can be defined by using the gnome database properties provided
with gnome-db. The add button on  the dialog could either start the
gnome-database-properties thingie, or start a wizard which creates a
source for you (hence, not dependet on gnomedb).

* Fixing up the export dialog to use table prefixes, or make projects
able to use the same tables.

I was thinking in the lines of using a central database to store all
projects and providing scripts to generate html from the db.

Anyone have two cents?

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