Re: [Planner Dev] Bug 327909 -- "File -> Close" not behaving correctly


Kurt Maute skrev:
On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 17:08 -0600, Russ McDermott wrote:
  I've been using planner for quite sometime (and Linux for several
years) and I would like to start giving back to the community.  I don't
know much (yet) about C and GTK programming, but I am learning.  I found
a relatively easy bug to fix and this is my attempt at trying to fix it.
I'd appreciate some feedback, but please go easy on me. :-)
This looks good, Russ. Just a few things:

Since you're calling get_num_of_windows from outside of
planner_application.c, you should append the planner_ prefix to it, so
it should be planner_get_num_of_windows.

The spacing on your declarations of get_num_of_windows, list_length, and
num_of_windows looks a bit odd - if you could just line them up a bit
better with the other declarations that would be great.

Other than that, looks good.  I took it for a test drive and it seems to
work fine.
I don't think this is right. It's a bit strange to open a new window 
when you close one. The fix is in my opinion either to remove the quit 
item and only have close, or to leave it as it is now.

Imendio AB,

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